Hi everyone, once again I have access to the internet and now that the economy is getting better I am ready to go another round creating income. My blogs being spread so thin in timing is going to make this more difficult than it was before. But this time it really doesn't matter because soon I'll be operating, advertising and networking with a totally new web site called, Ocger.com.
Basically the plan here is to take social gaming and networking to new heights. To re-imagine and re-invent social gaming, not to mention leveling the playing field for a lot of players. This is something we'll get into deeper as the web site starts to come to life.
So for now, we'll stick with the marketing side of ocger.com. As in what we are doing and how we are doing things in the way of marketing, advertising and branding. For instance, we've placed several post on Twitter, Google plus, Facebook and Blog spot. Doing this gets the attention of Search engines. And by connecting this to my past posts, blogs and The Force Social Network. Ocger will automatically be represented as a keyword the search engines will want. This is the first step in branding our newest domain.
Now that Ocger.com is out there, it's time for the next step. Articles, these are very important step when you want to brand a domain or virtual store name. Articles also help build reputation and web site traffic. So I am now off to write some articles. This will probably take a few weeks and my next post won't be till after those are written and submitted. Thanks for reading and staying connected.