OK, here's the skinny. The store front and back end is getting a major rework this summer. Which puts the online side of things on the bottom of the list. Now that doesn't mean I can't do my own thing in the mean time. Down here in central Florida, there are very few types of collectibles that sell through the summer months. So at this point it seems to be best to sit back, collect more money and do some more research. For instance, I can always use more info about offline sales. There are a ton of different ways to advertise. With in, there are over a thousand ways to fail miserably and waste a lot of money quickly.
With this known, I'm going to start here, http://astore.amazon.com/todpas-20/detail/0749473401. This book should offer some great in-sight. Here's what ya get, "Presenting modern marketing communication theories and tools in an accessible and jargon-free way, this new sixth edition of Marketing Communications,
has been updated to specifically focus on integrating online and
offline techniques with a social media approach. All the chapters
include new mini-case studies and real-life examples to reflect the many
digital developments which have occurred since the fifth edition's
publication in 2011."
So to end this post I also want to include this simple fact. Any and all advertisers should always keep in mind that specific generations use totally different types of media to find what they seek these days. In today's marketing world, it is crucial to know your reach and your followers, hope this helps.