Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy Holidays and Bloging Basics, Seo Special

Happy Holidays to Everyone, I hope Your Christmas was Full of Joy and Your New Years Day has been just as splendid. And yes it is New Years day here as well. I've been real busy here lately with the holidays and I've also been working on a new web site. Which will be revealed Soon. But not today. Today I am going to share some basic blogging tips to help your readers and follower find you easier. For the advanced or seasoned blogger these tips are known but that doesn't mean they don't need to said.

 Hundreds of Thousands of people if not more post blogs every day, and here's some basics for you. First up is your
url, A url is the link in which presents a certain site, blog or web page on the net. Such as, "" which of course will show you my income online page. And as you can see the three main words in this url are, Troy M, Online and Income. This way it will match my blog. Doing this makes for keyword efficiency. But keep in mind this is not a necessity.

Next up is your blog title, your blog title should also have your keyword/s with in the phrase or sentence. This is the first thing Search engines look for. And just under that should be your, "Blog Description". Your blog description is two or three sentences that explains the over all reason for your blog. Which should also include your keyword or words twice. And try to make sure to only use other words once in your description. Doing this tells search engines that the words that are used twice are favored.

Important note, as I've stated before. When applying these tactics, be sure not to use the same sentence twice. and of course rearrange your key words so they seem different but still are the same words. Just like I presented in the second paragraph. the first set of key words are in the url. then in the next sentence they are applied again but in a different order. Then again in the next sentence they are applied as well. even though they are in the same order as the url, they are still applied differently.  See, the purpose here is that when you use the same phrase or sentence, two or more times, the search engines frown on it. Calling it duplicate content. Duplicate content is not good at all for any type of search results.

Next area to look at is your post's. When you write a post for your blog, it doesn't matter what or how much you write in one sitting. As long as it's about things that have to do with your site title. Also take note, that when you blog in attempt to collect an audience or readers, you want to be sure you add content to each post. Content is useful information. Or anything that a person can learn something from. This is considered content.

Last but not least for this post, is labeling your post's. Labels are a key feature in blogging. They tell the blog site what area to add your blog to when someone searches For information like your. So to keep it simple. Labeling your post is like telling your blog what your key word /s are in that post.

And that be the basics, I am Troy M. And am wishing  everyone a happy holiday Season and an awesome new year. Hope this helps, enjoy!

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