For the past two days I have been Searching for higher incomes online that I Feel safe about adding to my Social networks. And I'll be the first to admit that this it a tough task indeed. Eagerly Seeking Something along the lines of social media platform. Anyone can apply to work for the usual social networks like Face Book, Twitter and such. But that's not what I seek. I'm searching for web sites that will allow me to decide how much to charge or accept offers of payment of service. This way I have more control of how much I can earn with out sacrificing too much time. As I am Doing with a Couple of the companies I am working with now.
So far I have actually found one company that seems to be legit. Won't know for sure till I give it a test run. This companies name is
Elance - Click here), and they do have a referral system that pays 10 Dollars USA, or 10 connects per sign up. The connects I assume, are to help free basic members Submit job offers to Clients. Either or it's worth a try. Elance is a company That Helps web base companies find the exact help they seek to get what ever task they need, done. And I also noticed that Elance uses Es grow type accounts and non Es grow type account. And on our side we can receive paper checks, use pay-pal <-which is a plus and a couple other options as well.
Last but not least, I also did some research. And I found many articles and reviews, Scam or legit ? Again, I'll leave that up to you. Here's one of many from Toplist, <- Click here).
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